designated breathing zone 3.0

public art installation

Gellért Hill, PLACCC extra, Budapest, Hungary, 2024

designated breathing zone 3.0

public art installation

Gellért Hill, PLACCC extra, Budapest, Hungary, 2024

Climb inside and find a comfortable position.




*Enter the installation at your own risk.


After the small-scale mobile version that incubated plants of local city parks in busy and heavily polluted spots of Budapest, Designated Breathing Zone returns in a new form, this time to the slopes of Gellért Hill during PLACCC extra.


The loss of natural habitats and urban greens, heavy traffic and an increasing level of unsustainable human practices all contribute to the deteriorating air quality of our cities. Recent summers have also been a suffocating illustration of the so-called heat island effect of cities, where we all long for some cool greenery. 


Where can we head for some breath of fresh air?


During PLACCC extra, Designated Breathing Zone gets into a dialogue with existing urban greens and lifeforms, creating an intimate space and soundscape in the neighborhood of lush canopies – a place where you can stop and disappear for a moment, to breathe.


But who breathes who? What is the place and role of air, of visible and invisible lifeforms in the fabric of the city? 



Artistic concept and design: Eva Bubla 

Architectural consultation and planning: Erzsébet Zimmerer 

Production: Dániel Galambosi and Levente Kruppa, Balázs Budai


Sound installation concept and narrative: Eva Bubla 

Sound design and editing: Marcell Mostoha 

Voice: Emőke Suplicz, Kisanna Szabó


Photo: Attila Balogh 


Special thanks to Dániel Baló, Dávid Csermely, FabLab Budapest, Riikka Hohti, Zsuzsa Millei, Fanni Nánay, SVUNG, Tuure Tammi, Ágnes Vári 

The project was organized by PLACCC extra in the framework of the Budapest 150 commemorative year, and supported by the Pro Cultura Urbis Public Foundation, the Hungarian Cultural Fund, and IN SITU, the European platform for artistic creation in public space, in the frame of (UN)COMMON SPACES, co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.


The installation was supported by Drevotta ground screw services.