ways fwd

lecture and workshop series

HONFablab – DorxLab UGM – Indonesian Institute of Arts Yogyakarta – Sekolah Akar Rumput, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2019

Ways fwd

Lecture and workshop series

HONFablab – DorxLab UGM – Indonesian Institute of Arts Yogyakarta – Sekolah Akar Rumput, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2019

The lecture and workshop series of project Ways Fwd aims to examine the relation of culture and sustainability problems: it experiments and tests artistic methodologies that raise awareness on ecological issues or may even offer alternatives. 


During the project, we discussed the role and relation of art, science, design, and sustainability with the art students of the Indonesian Institute of Arts, and the architecture students of DorxLab and Universitas Gajah Mada, narrowing down our focus to one chosen sustainability problem: air pollution.


To reduce air pollution, the first step is to eliminate or reduce anthropogenic-caused emissions. The second step is to remediate existing pollutants, in which plants and city planning can play an important role.  Inspired by a 1989 NASA report which tested indoor plants that are most effective in purifying indoor air, the project uses the Sansevieria plant to critically reflect on the topic of air pollution, the effect of human activities, and the importance of plants in our ecosystem.


During a workshop in Sekolah Akar Rumput, DIY experimental objects were constructed using the Sansevieria plant and the mechanisms of air purification devices already available on the market (hacking) with the purpose of raising awareness of the kids on the issue and creating a better environment.  Special thanks for Yudianto Asmoro for the Arduino section.